Location: 51 Steere St S (laneway)
Fading Habitat depicts the Baudin’s Cockatoo, or the White-Tailed Black Cockatoo, in flight, above abstract and hidden details portraying native plants and local blue waters. The Baudin’s Cockatoo is a different species to the Carnaby’s Black Cockatoo, and can be identified by its longer bill. These birds are normally seen in groups of three or more, and are endemic to Australia’s South West. They nest in the hollows of old marri, karri, wandoo, tuart and bullich trees.
Baudin’s Cockatoos are currently at risk of extinction. Protecting their habitat is vitally important, particularly old growth forests. Two-thirds of Australia is privately-managed rural land, with private land-owners playing an increasingly important role in the conservation of these birds and other threatened species. If you have the opportunity, start by planting a Marri tree.
Photo references: @estebanthenatureman
Research: @kaarakin and @birdlifeoz
About the artist:
Ian Mutch is an Australian artist exploring beauty through nature, narrative and details. Mutch creates work on a variety of scales using acrylics, aerosol, and inks. Brushstrokes and layered backgrounds are detailed with entertaining illustrations, whimsical characters, trees, birds, animals and pop culture references. Mutch draws a great deal from his upbringing surrounded by wild landscapes, animals and patterns. He has lived in various parts of the world, now residing in South West Western Australia. His artwork has won awards, given life to public spaces, and featured in a range of publications.